One Down, Many More to Come

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012  17:53

I am happy to report that the Restoring Dignity weekend (actually two weekends) was a SUCCESS!  We received more than all of the supplies that we asked for, and we were able to clean, repair, and provide for the basic needs of this family.  We had 30 volunteers, used 7 gallons of paint, carpet cleaned for over 6 hours, scrubbed more walls than I would like to count, and put in 36 hours of work (over the span of three days).  All of that hard work paid off, as the house looks AMAZING!  You can view a video of before and after pictures at the bottom of the Restoring Dignity page, as well as view a video of a walk through of the completed house!  I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who donated and/or volunteered!  All of you were PHENOMENAL

All of the supplies that were not used will be taken to our next Restoring Dignity project.  I have recently learned of two additional widows, within this immediate family, and both of them need assistance.  This is just the tip of the iceberg!  I will be posting the new project soon, as I am meeting with the second family later this week.

With that being said, we will be doing a continuous supply drive for any unused or no-longer needed home supplies.  So before you take your household items to the thrift store, sort out any gently used items and send them our way!

Thank you again for all of your support and generosity!  I am proud to have so many friends and family members who want to make an immediate difference in the lives of those in our community.  Hope to see all of you again soon!

-Hannah Wyble

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